Lähettäjä: Daniel Reurich Päiväys: Vastaanottaja: devuan developers internal list Kopio: Dng Aihe: Re: [devuan-dev] A shift in systemd development
I'm sure that's a joke relating to Redhat being bought out by IBM
On 30/10/18 11:02, golinux@??? wrote: > OK. Having no idea what an S/390 system is (except for a scan of the
> wikipedia page), I'm hoping that someone can 'splain how this will
> affect community based Linux and everyone who jumped on the systemd
> bandwagon:
> ---------------------------------------------
> Lennart Poettering
> @pid_eins
> As you all know we never have been fans of portability. It will come at
> no surprise that in light of the recent developments we will discontinue
> all non-S/390 ports of systemd very soon now. Please make sure to
> upgrade to an S/390 system soon. Thank you for understanding.
> https://twitter.com/pid_eins/status/1056924336349691905 >
> ---------------------------------------------
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