:: Re: [DNG] Devuan + remote desktop o…
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Autore: Arnt Karlsen
Data: 2018-10-25 14:10 -000
To: dng
Oggetto: Re: [DNG] Devuan + remote desktop of Ubuntu = how?
On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 14:51:48 +0200, Miroslav wrote in message

> On 10/23/18 1:45 PM, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> >>
> >> Hendrik, both boxes came to the club installed with Window$, and I
> >> have to keep them that way
> >
> > ..easy now, if these has lawful copies of Wintendo installed, you
> > _can_ keep them that way. Now if these are the pirated ones you
> > spoke about, any judge worth his salt will tell you you can _not_
> > keep them that way, and clarify that wrath of law in your verdict.
> >
> > ..which is why I'm happy to see these 2 boxes came to the club and
> > not to you, and that a judge might believe how hard it is to get
> > the club membership to understand why they need to comply to the
> > license terms under your laws.
> >
> Arnt, I am not a Wintendo lawyer, so I do not care. Those boxes are
> not mine, and it's just my good will to introduce the elders with
> Linux. Btw, it might be that at least one box came with legal
> Wintendo because it shows HP sign and its system utils after booting
> in Wintendo, and the hardware is HP too, so it was probably OEM
> pre-installed. The other one was donated from the police junk-yard,
> and I remember that big Wintendo boss himself visited Serbia 20 years
> ago to apparently donate licenses for the ministries. In any case,
> neither the judges here would care much about the laws. It's Serbia,
> freedom for all and everything :-)
> Misko

..wonderful, land of the free. ;oD
Me, I only care about our own asses under the GPL. :o)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
Scenarios always come in sets of three:
best case, worst case, and just in case.