Autor: Rick Moen Data: 2018-10-20 23:53 -000 A: dng Assumpte: Re: [DNG] How to unarchive an .xz
Quoting Arnt Karlsen (arnt@???):
> ...and by this too. Like I liked the humor in those 2 lines I got
> blamed for. ;o) Which we could have been a little clearer about.
I did notice and appreciate the gentle raillery, Arnt. ;->
> ..I believe I have seen (about 20 years ago) a wintendo open a tarball
> with WinZip, using 2 double clicks, first on the gz compression, then
> on the gunzipped tarball. They can still do that?
I'm pretty sure yes. Which is part of why I still house on my Web site
content intended to be platform-neutral in .tar.gz / .gz format,
despite the evident advantages of xz (and before that, of bzip2).