:: Re: [DNG] [devuan-dev] Debian Buste…
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Szerző: Arnt Karlsen
Dátum: 2018-10-17 17:05 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] [devuan-dev] Debian Buster release to partially drop non-systemd support
On Wed, 17 Oct 2018 15:14:46 +0200, Edward wrote in message

> Why doesn't Devuan edit sysvinit to use systemd's unit files instead
> of scripts? That would bypass the entire problem. Those who want to
> stick to scripts can always direct sysvinit to use scripts instead.

..the systemd approach was (and still is?) convert (or "generate")
sysvinit scripts into systemd unit files.
"All" we need to do, is reverse this approach to support or convert
"native systemd" software with "no non-systemd support" into something
we _can_ use.

..the 4 other kinds of software: 0. has no need for "init support",
1. "is natively supported by all native Devuan init systems", and
2. buggy ones where we need to yank libsystemd0 etc "support", and
3. "has native support by a native Devuan init system" where we can
fetch the source UPSTREAM of Debian.org and build as Devuan .debs,
you know, just like Debian.org USED to do in the good old day before
pulseaudio etc.

> An edit/patch would aim to make sysvinit recognise unit files and run
> scripts when instructed to.
> Before I get a barrage of smart-ass replies like 'You do not
> understand', yes, I know, it is EASIER SAID than DONE. Everything
> technical is like that, unfortunately.

..hear, hear. ;o)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
Scenarios always come in sets of three:
best case, worst case, and just in case.