On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 09:30:50AM -0500, Daniel Taylor wrote:
> > c) where and how would you draw the line indicating what's unacceptable about
> > systemd - in other words, what exactly do you mean by "the Unix paradigm" in
> > your comment above?
> Split out the PID 1 stuff to just the bare minimum of what needs to be
> there, organize everything else into appropriate units.
> This is not a trivial project, which is why nobody has taken it on AFAIK,
> but systemd must be doing something that package maintainers and developers
> want. That suggests that the way to beat them is to do that, only better.
The problem is exactly there: you don't really need systemd if you
just need a reliable PID 1. What appeals systemd's enthusiasts is the
process supervision and management system. Which is probably 90% of
the reason why systemd needed to fagocitate the whole low-level
user-space (please remember that the only way to reliably know that a
process is dead under unix is to be the parent of that process....).
I know the issue looks easy and straightforward on the surface. But
when you start looking into it seriously, you quickly realise that
things are not as straightforward as you thought ;)
[ ~.,_ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - Devuan -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ "+. katolaz [at] freaknet.org --- katolaz [at] yahoo.it ]
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