Auteur: Evilham Date: 2018-10-16 07:48 -000 À: devuan developers internal list Sujet: Re: [devuan-dev] sysvinit in Debian and upstream resources (was:
Fwd: Re: Debian Buster release to partially drop non-systemd support)
Thank *you* this is most useful.
Am 16. Oktober 2018 09:24:40 MESZ schrieb Martin Steigerwald <martin@???>: >Hi!.
>Just for reference here as well my summary about resources for sysvinit
>package in Debian.
>I suggest to write to sysvinit-devel mailinglist in Debian.
> >
>In addition for reference here also the reference to an upstream
> > >
>Actually is appears to be quite active to me, updated by mainly one
>developer: Jesse Smith.
> >
>Just to have it archived all in one place on this list.
>---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
>Betreff: Re: Debian Buster release to partially drop non-systemd
>Datum: Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2018, 09:17:26 CEST
>Von: Martin Steigerwald <martin@???>
>An: debian-devel@???
>Kopie: KatolaZ <katolaz@???>, Ian Jackson
>Ian, cc'ing you to make you aware of this discussion, in case you
>aren't, and give you an opportunity to comment on your aim to adopt
>sysvinit package from some time ago.
>KatolaZ, Ian feel free to drop Cc's again, I won't be offended :)
>Alessio Treglia - 16.10.18, 07:31:
>> On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 9:51 PM Enzo Nicosia <katolaz@???>
>> wrote:
>> > Please, just tell us who we should contact (current/last
>> > maintainer?) to start working on that.
>> That's easy [1].
>> Thanks.
>> [1]
>> >>
>In addition to that
> >
>gives a good overview of the state of the package.
>Including the request for adoption that has been already mentioned in
>the thread:
>RFA: sysvinit -- System-V-like init utilities - transitional package
> >
>(I reported the spam in that bug already.)
>Also the changelog gives an impression who worked last on the packages:
> >changelog-2.88dsf-59.11
>Michael Biebl maintains Systemd and related packages and uploaded the
>last version mainly to activate some changes that benefit Systemd. Ian
>Jackson was the last one aiming at adopting the package, but apparently
>did not work on it afterwards anymore:
>Re: Bug#811377: fixed in sysvinit 2.88dsf-59.9
> >
>To me it looks like that the package is ready for adoption, as Petter
>also already mentioned:
>Re: Debian Buster release to partially drop non-systemd support
> >
>For adopting it, one would need to become at least a Debian maintainer,
>or… have someone who sponsors uploads. For an easy start I think the
>sponsoring can work out nicely, but for a permanent solution its good
>be allowed to upload new versions.
>I'd suggest to write to sysvinit-devel mailinglist for any further
>coordination as I bet the larger audience of debian-devel is not really
>needed or helpful for that:
> >
>devuan-dev internal mailing list