:: Re: [devuan-dev] Debian Buster rele…
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Autor: golinux
Data: 2018-10-16 01:32 -000
A: devuan-dev
Assumpte: Re: [devuan-dev] Debian Buster release to partially drop non-systemd support
On 2018-10-15 11:05, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Re: Debian Buster release to partially drop non-systemd support
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2018/10/msg00180.html
> Calling people "toxic" as Ansgar did in above mail, is of course also
> not helpful and I wrote him that.
> Thanks,

Back again with a bit more information regarding Ansgar's misinformed
comments which I hope that you would share with him.

I don't know much about infobot (except that it's really annoying)
because I have it on ignore. So I asked someone who does and learned
some important info about how infobot works:

infobot is a bot with a database that references 119770 factoids that
can be queried. Each one has it's own individual author and literally
anybody can add new factoids to the bot. It has been around for about 20
years. It *allows* Devuan to use the bot services and would allow
Debian to do exactly same.

So it's a leap for Ansgar to point the finger at Devuan when anyone
upset with the choices Debian has made since November of 2014 (which is
many more than those of us at Devuan) could have written that.

Sorry for dragging this on a bit - but I wanted to clear any
misconceptions that are floating around about infobot and its contents
belonging to Devuan.
