:: Re: [DNG] passwordless console auto…
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Συντάκτης: Alessandro Selli
Ημερομηνία: 2018-10-12 16:43 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] passwordless console autologin
On 12/10/18 at 14:14, Florian Zieboll wrote:
> Hallo,
> for a video display, I installed devuan with a passwordless console autologin, but my current configuration (below) gives me a "deprecated" warning:
> /etc/login.defs

> /etc/inittab
>     1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty --autologin devuan tty1

> Is there an up-to-date solution to achieve this?

  Passwordless accounts is a feature that was taken over by PAM.

  In man pam_unix(8) I can read:

           The default action of this module is to not permit the user
           to a service if their official password is blank. The nullok
           argument overrides this default and allows any user with a blank
           password to access the service.

  So, you should add this parameter to those pam config files in
/etc/pam.d/ that use pam_unix and hope it works.

  PAM can easily get out of hand and mess up your system, so be careful
and have backup copies of your pam.d files in case you lock yourself out
of your box for an invalid PAM login configuration.


Alessandro Selli <alessandroselli@???>
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