:: Re: [DNG] Sad news about Robert Sto…
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Szerző: Alessandro Selli
Dátum: 2018-10-04 16:32 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] Sad news about Robert Storey
On 04/10/18 at 14:39, aitor_czr wrote:
> Hi again,
> El 04/10/18 a las 14:21, aitor_czr escribió:
>> Hi all devuaners,
>> Yesterday i was reading some articles written by figosdev talking
>> about dbus, about the eternal Linux vs GNU/Linux debate, etc... and i
>> arrived to the following sad new:
>> http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2017/01/05/2003662528
>> Robert Storey frecuented this mailing list, he is one of the
>> mentioned donors and enthusiasts in devuan.org. Fan of AntiX, he also
>> use to write in DistroWatch. Robert's latest post in the DNG mailing
>> list are dated on 2016.
>> Appearently he left us on December 26 in Taiwan :(
>> Aitor.
> Here you are figosdev's article linking to the above new:
> https://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20170102#fig

"He regularly brought niche projects to our attention and loved
discussing up-and-coming projects and community forks, like Devuan

 Sorry to read Devuan lost a friend.  He must have been a very good
person to know and to spend time with.


Alessandro Selli <alessandroselli@???>
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