Autor: Mark Rousell Data: Dla: dng Temat: Re: [DNG] Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: GPL version 2 is a bare license.
Recind. (Regarding (future) linux Code of Conduct Bannings).
On 19/09/2018 16:33, observerofaffairs@??? wrote: > The CoC will lead only to infighting amongst the contributors, with
> this new weapon wielded firmly in all participants hands.
> It is another example of "looking the gift horse in the mouth"
> (Linus telling everyone to [fsck] off is the previous example]
> and will only be tolerated by the hirelings. The community
> contributors will fade away and the complete corporate takeover of the
> kernel will be complete.
> Linux will suffer the same fate as the FreeBSD team (who have lost
> half their contributors), additionally morally-questionable code (ie:
> code that befits content owners over the user, code that benefits the
> security interests of the states over the user, etc) will be folded
> into the kernel with a smile.
> [...]
> The Free Software movement is, and will continue to be decimated by
> this industry-wide advance for the next 5 years at-least, as project
> after project falls to classic divide and conquer techniques that date
> to before the Roman empire. Programmers, though brilliant in their
> specific field, tend to be ignorant of even basic human management
> practice - and resistant to learn.
I make no comment about whether or not there is some kind of intentional
plan going on here but I fear that your prediction of where things are
headed is correct.
The values that helped us all and protected both people and software are
being eroded and taken over.