:: Re: [DNG] Better late than never
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Autor: aitor_czr
Fecha: 2018-09-17 06:22 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Better late than never

El 16/09/18 a las 23:49, aitor_czr escribió:
> You must type `chmod +x libnetaid.install`, of course.
> Here you are the packages of simple-netaid for amd64:
> http://gnuinos.org/simple-netaid/
> This week i'll upload the packages for i386 and i'll explain how to
> build them for other architectures.
> Tomorrow i'll push the latest commits to gitlab.
> Hope you like it :)
>   Aitor.

I've been testing the packages, and the packaging need a review. There
are some bugs non-existent building the sources.
Maybe the static library... I'll try to fix it today.

