:: Re: [DNG] Cannot find in mail archi…
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Συντάκτης: Rick Moen
Ημερομηνία: 2018-09-13 21:07 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] Cannot find in mail archive: was Mozilla and cloudflare to hijack all your DNS requests - for your own good of course
Quoting KatolaZ (katolaz@???):

> I totally agree on your point, Steve. And even without taking into
> account the design choices, the main issue is that the interface is
> pretty *slow* and much heavier than lurker... I guess fixing Lurker
> is a far better option ;)

Enzo, do I guess correctly that Mailman 2.x / pipermail with add-on
search software was considered and deemed not good enough? My
suspicion is 'yes' and that there's good reason to so think.

Long decades ago, there was a brief vogue for such search software to
add to Web sites. I remember that Webglimpse and HtDig were popular
circa 2002. Here's a list of such things from an academic paper about

ASPSeek, BBDBot, Dat- apark, ebhath, Eureka, ht://Dig, Indri, ISearch,
IXE, Lucene, Managing Gigabytes (MG), MG4J, mnoGoSearch, MPS
Information Server, Namazu, Nutch, Omega, OmniFind IBM Yahoo! Ed.,
OpenFTS, PLWeb, SWISH-E, SWISH++, Terrier, WAIS/ freeWAIS,
WebGlimpse, XML Query Engine, XMLSearch, Zebra, and Zettair.


I literally never got around to trying running even one of them, ever,
and they seem to be severely out of fashion.

I suspect that trying even a best-of-breed offering would show
frustrating limits resulting from the serach facility treating mailing
list archives as just a mass of text without taking into account their