:: Re: [DNG] Mailman replacement
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Autor: Rick Moen
Data: 2018-09-11 10:28 -000
Dla: dng
Nowe tematy: [DNG] Second system effect: was Mailman replacement
Temat: Re: [DNG] Mailman replacement
Quoting KatolaZ (katolaz@???):

> I have no experience of Mailman 3 but I have started experimenting
> with it a bit. I guess we could use v3 instead of v2 for the new
> server. The REST API is useful, but not necessary to configure the ML,
> so we could set it up and then experiment with it.

Maybe it's just me, but reading the various comments about Mailman 3 at
https://lwn.net/Articles/638090/ made me appreciate Mailman 2.1 quite a
bit. (I'm so far particularly unimpressed with HyperKitty, but the
Mailman 3 design as a whole makes me suspect Second-System Effect,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second-system_effect .)

Cheers,              "I am a member of a civilization (IAAMOAC).  Step back
Rick Moen            from anger.  Study how awful our ancestors had it, yet
rick@???  they struggled to get you here.  Repay them by appreciating
McQ! (4x80)          the civilization you inherited."           -- David Brin