:: Re: [devuan-dev] DATE CHANGE
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Lähettäjä: golinux
Päiväys: 2018-09-07 05:11 -000
Vastaanottaja: devuan developers internal list
Aihe: Re: [devuan-dev] DATE CHANGE
I'd like to expand a bit on Daniel's thoughts.

First a clarification. I think it would be a great idea for some
dev1ers to join in the Hackathon. But not as a public dev1 conference.
Rather consider using some of that time for participating in the
Hackathon and getting to know the folks in Glarus and some for
collaborative brainstorming sessions (including those of us who won't be
there via jitsi) to 1. determine the focus and goals of our first dev1
conference and 2. explore where we want to take Devuan in the future
[please add your ideas here]. IMO, this would be the most productive
use of that gathering of unique individuals. Then we'd have several
months to get everything lined up (including venue in AMS), prepare the
presentations and create a buzz in the press.

I do hope more of you will participate in this discussion.

On 2018-09-06 19:51, Daniel Reurich wrote:
> The big quesstion I have been mulling for a while about d1conf is...
> What is the purpose of the Conference??
> Is it just a social gathering of Devuan fans?
> Is it a serious meet up with a work plan to make some big focused in
> roads into Devuan development?
> Is there a work program that sets us on a course to further formalizing
> how Devuan functions in terms of people and responsibilities and
> setting
> more solid plans in place?
> From what I've gathered so far it seems that it's really a social
> gathering with no real benefit to Devuan's development progress - in
> which case I'd suggest that it's better to keep it low key and make it
> more promotional oriented.
> If I were to be coming over for a Devuan Conference (and it's unlikely
> for Nov/Dec), there would need to be some serious plans to really push
> the progress of Devuan. I'm not seeing that, and given the lack of
> attention to anything lately in all our fora and meetings, I'd be
> surprised if more then a handful turn up to a Devuan conference anyway.
> I have to agree with golinux - next year probably would be better...
> and
> I might be in a better position to attend too.
> Regards,
>     Daniel

> On 07/09/18 11:42, golinux@??? wrote:
>> Dear Dev1ers . . .
>> We started talking about a Dev1 conf late spring/early summer at the
>> Monday and Wednesday meets.  The dates were chosen and the AMS venue
>> was
>> available. I assumed that it had been secured. OOPS . . .
>> Even on Monday a few days ago, itineraries were being planned around
>> that date. I had finally decided to do the trip after years of
>> invitations and had spent the summer preparing for it. The next day,
>> boom! I am definitely in whiplash and extremely disappointed
>> personally
>> and for Devuan.
>> I don't see what the rush is.  Nothing has yet been planned -
>> speakers,
>> topics, schedule etc. - There has only been a little day-dreaming.
>> It is nearly four years since we decided to fork.  What difference
>> would
>> a few extra months make?  This will be Devuan's first public event. 
>> Wouldn't it be best if it were well organized, professional and held
>> in
>> a central location.  Not something last minute, far from
>> transportation
>> hubs and thrown together by somewhat disorganized hackers.
>> I propose that we wait till the new year and have the event in AMS
>> after
>> the holiday dust has settled, maybe March/early April.  That would
>> give
>> us plenty of time to put something special together.  Could we
>> possibly
>> even have Beowulf ready by then to beat Debian to the finish line? 
>> Now
>> that would be memorable!
>> My .02.
>> golinux