:: Re: [devuan-dev] Upgrading ci.devua…
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Auteur: Daniel Reurich
Date: 2018-08-21 07:47 -000
À: Jaromil, devuan developers internal list
Sujet: Re: [devuan-dev] Upgrading ci.devuan.org
Hi Jaromil and friends,

In the end I bit the bullet and upgraded it anyway... I figured, I'd
know if anybody had been around, and the upgrade went smoothly. It
still needs a reboot, but I'm waiting to hear back from nextime before I
proceed to reboot it as I don't have console access.

If you can prod him into getting in touch, that would be helpful!

Also the master build server, the one with the signing keys is probably
also in the same state, and I don't have access to that one either.

I have access to enough of the build hosts to keep things ticking along.
Also I will soon have my Talos II setup as a build host for both ppc64
(big endian) and ppc64el and will begin in earnest to build beowulf.

At the moment my most pressing issue is fixing cloud_init and
bootstrap-vz to build images for AWS, Azure and Google cloud. It would
be good for Devuan to get an account so we can push images directly to
the market place. I'd like to automate this so we can build and push
the images directly as part of our normal release cycle too.

Anyway, I'm trying to get more active on Devuan again, and having some
success too!


On 21/08/18 19:27, Jaromil wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Aug 2018, Daniel Reurich wrote:
>> I've upgraded jenkins on ci.devuan.org in order to fix some issues - and
>> that went well, but ci is still running on some sort of weird
>> frankenstein of debian and devuan unstable and hasn't been updated in
>> quite some time... possibly not since before jessie was released.
> indeed. well spotted
>> Does anyone have any issues with me doing this with urgency?
> The only issue I see may arise is if, for any reason unknown to me, we
> need to intervene on any of the build satellites: most of them are
> running on servers hosted at Dyne HQ and for the time being they are
> locked and out of reach for me and Parazyd until 31 August.
> Said that, I don't see any reason for us to need to access them if you
> save all credentials (ssh keys and settings), so I say yes proceed
> thanks!
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Daniel Reurich
Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Ltd.
021 797 722