著者: terryc 日付: To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] [OT] Cannot install wine32 on ASCII.
On Sat, 18 Aug 2018 14:12:54 +0200
Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
> Maybe, apt-cache depends can shed some light. It seems wine32 depends
> on libwine:i386 and the latter breaks wine32.
There is a fix-missing on one of apt/apt-get/aptitude/? , I forget
which. It MAY fix stuff, but it could just break stuff.
It is exceedingly easy to get into the situation that you have as
"wine" relies on a lot of subsystems to work well and often, one or the
other requires patching which breaks everything else.
In my experience with "linux"(25 years), if it doesn't work, you can
either fix it yourself(good luck) or wait until some who can understand
what passes for the code in this ball game to fix/patch it and it to
roll through the distros.
In my case, I've found it far easier to just have a separate WinOS
system running for that stuff that "linux" doesn't do well. So 25 years
later, I'm still running one. My experience with Wine and ilk is that it
is patchy at best and just about next to impossible to sort it out by
Late on, you could try "playonlinux", which is just a
co-operative collection of scripts to install and run stuff to use
wine. However, I think you were chasing Spice and if you look at the
notes attached to the POL-spice setup, it clearly states that is
doesn't do simulations, which has been the state for quiet a few years.
The advantage of POl is that it brings together some efforts at fixing
particular apps.
Also, at the moment POL is waiting for a new version to filter through
Debian -> Devuan. The effect of this means that you can not report
problems, because you are not running the latest version, but the
scripts/setup largely run previous versions of wine/pol and are not
guaranteed to run on more recent versions. Fun, heh.
The only other suggestion I can make is to standardise what
you are running as much as possible, e.g basic graphic cards, common
NICS, etc. I had/have enormous problems with graphic stuff because i
was attempting to use AMD proprietary drivers. For me, just being able
to get simple stuff like glxgears working was problematic. These work
now, but I still can not get a lot of graphic related programs to run
under POL.
Finally, don't let the arse-hole piss you off. "Linux" has been infested
with self-grandising chest thumpers since it started and it is my 2c
that "Linux" will never be anything but a minor oddity while ever they
are listened to. Beyond the chest thumpers, and "it works for me"
morons you will(may?) find people who have the insight to give you a
clue to fix your problem. I said may because they can be hard to find
and often turn out to be an aside comment rather than a fix.
You just have to work through stuff methodically and slowly.