:: Re: [Bricolabs] Fwd: Open call for …
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Auteur: Jaromil
Date: 2018-08-16 13:18 -000
À: Bricolabs
Sujet: Re: [Bricolabs] Fwd: Open call for the II Intergalactic Commune Festival
On Thu, 16 Aug 2018, Jean-Noël Montagné wrote:

>    héhé ....sorry Jaromil, wrong target .....we didn't wanted to
>    have funds for organizing such big event. Not a penny ! We have
>    no sponsors, no funding.  All is made and paid by citizens !

chapeau! so I guess the sponsors mentioned they just provide
infrastructures and visibility.

Well what can I say? You are perfect JNM!

but I still think that calling for perfection and purity on a
trans-generational and trans-continental level is an error we do very
often in EU. to me it reeks of colonialist superiority... meanwhile we
do have the bigger slice of the pie, ready to build green things on
top of the treasures stolen all over in wars... etc.

and this is not only problematic on a colonial level, but also
generational. I know lots of kidz who had no chance so far to "exist"
while organising amazing things: they'd be nowhere without the boost
of social networks. sometimes I also feel like one, you know.

Also I personally like Fabi's initiative much more than yours :^P
sorry :^) just more exciting than talking over and over about
decroissance in our little villages. I also like breaks the screens in
a way. my deeper personal problem here is white old wise man telling
how things should be done. maybe won't help me keep being part of the
right clubs, but at least is saving me from becoming yet another

critically and lovely yours, should really consider meeting each other
in a slow setup
