著者: Ralph Ronnquist 日付: To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] Web browser needed
Adam Borowski wrote on 15/07/18 11:51: > On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 08:14:20AM +1000, Ralph Ronnquist wrote:
>> Since the HTTPS certification principle is based on domain names, it's hard
>> to understand in general how routers would be able to hold such certificates
>> (installed by vendors), and if they could, what value that would have in
>> terms of security.
> The only problem here is renewal of those certs -- a router that was offline
> for a while or is in a network that doesn't allow phoning home risks having
> its cert expire.
> There's no reason why you can't have multiple certs for the same name; any
> CA will gladly give you thousands of cert-key pairs, and while they'll
> charge more for such a special case the per-router price will still be
> peanuts.
Either you are joking, or I am being thick (or both, perhaps), but how
could the vendor know beforehand what I want as domain name for my router?
> [snip]