:: Re: [DNG] Web browser needed
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Autore: Adam Borowski
Data: 2018-07-14 20:20 -000
To: dng
Oggetto: Re: [DNG] Web browser needed
On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 10:09:37AM +0100, Simon Hobson wrote:
> Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI <renaud@???> wrote:
> > If the developpers are worried about users wandering into unsafe sites,
> > I would understand a warning, but why the complete blockage ?
> >
> > And is there a way around it ?
> While not directly addressing your problem, it's a symptom of the "nothing
> old exists, all (would be) legacy stuff gets replaced by 3 years old, we
> don't care" approach from several quarters.
> Browsers that won't connect to sites running old and deprecated encryption
> methods (which I suspect is your problem),

Nope. A good part of browsers on the list he tried are unmaintained, thus
it's not a matter of deprecated encryption being dropped, but of the
appliance breaking. And even if it were, IoS (Internet of Shit) insecure
appliances are a common nuisance, thus any of those that ceases to work is
actually a boon to the society, as it teaches people not to buy those, and
if we're lucky, perhaps is grounds for warranty return, thus costing the
manufacturer some (and for most, margins are so thin that a single return
costs more than they earn on several sales).

Were it running free software, users would be able to upgrade, avoiding
whatever the breakage is. From the error messages, it's clear it's not an
expired cert -- but no clue what.

> $Vendor ended support several years ago, that's not going to happen
> In that case, you need to throw away your perfectly functional gigabit
> switch and buy a new one that will do nothing more than the old one except
> have more up to date firmware ! Well perhaps not those words !

Welcome to the world of proprietary crap. Now you know what not to buy.

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