On 10.07.18 12:59, J. Fahrner wrote:
> Nice to read (experience of a german computer scientist)
> English: https://translate.google.de/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.danisch.de%2Fblog%2F2018%2F07%2F10%2Fsystemd-war-eine-massive-fehlentscheidung%2F&edit-text=&act=url
> Deutsch: http://www.danisch.de/blog/2018/07/10/systemd-war-eine-massive-fehlentscheidung/
The original makes easier reading, but my German does not stretch to
translation of "wurmwurstet", and my trusty Cassels dictionary doesn't
have wurmwurst either. I suspect we're missing out on a good bit of
slang here, which is not just ordinary worm and sausage.
(Yep, I took a look at Google's translation effort, and it was stumped
there too, so it's not just me.)
There's clearly little risk of systemd becoming usable and useful in the
foreseeable future.