:: Re: [DNG] who's tying up my port 80…
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Skribent: KatolaZ
Dato: 2018-07-10 08:55 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] who's tying up my port 80?
On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 01:30:41AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Harald Arnesen (skogtun@???):
> > So if my main machine runs *BSD, I will have to use a totally different
> > set of commands on my Linux laptop?
> No, you can continue to use a set of utilities on your Linux laptop that
> have been unmaintained code for 17 years and cannot handle source-based
> routing, QoS, VLAN, bonding, bridges, showing all IP addresses assigned
> to an interface, removing an IPv4 address from an interface, etc.
> Nothing stopping you.

Again, links before opinions:


net-tools might be obsolete for many functions, but it's still
developed, and is surely not "unmaintained" since 17 years ago.

I am not saying the alternatives are not good or than we shouldn't use
them. I am just replying with facts to something that was not
factually correct ;)

> Was there something that lead you to believe it had become illegal to
> use unmaintained code? Otherwise, I find the basis of your question
> quite difficult to understand.

Let's make another example. procmail seems to be one of those pieces
of software which is currently unmaintained (even if this statemen is
somehow dubious, atm). The last stable release is 3.22 from September
2001 (yes, 2001, almost 17 years ago). There have been no bug reports
for more than 17 years, and surely not because procmail is not used
any more.

Is anybody here ready to claim that procmail is useless and we should
replace it just because its development ended 17 years ago, producing
a damn virtually perfect piece of software, that does *one* thing and
does it *well*, has been included in all the Linux and *BSD
distributions in the last 25 years, and did not require any
maintenance at all for 17 long years? o_O

Oh, come on ;) The staggering majority of us will never have the
privilege of developing anything remotely close to that. If the
history of only 10% of the software around today was only comparable
to that of procmail, we would live in a much much better world,
software-wise speaking...



[ ~.,_  Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - Devuan -- Freaknet Medialab  ]  
[     "+.  katolaz [at] freaknet.org --- katolaz [at] yahoo.it  ]
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