:: Re: [DNG] Ascii LVM Encrypted Issue
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Autor: Stefan Krusche
Fecha: 2018-06-16 10:13 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Ascii LVM Encrypted Issue
Am Samstag 16 Juni 2018 schrieb Michael McConnell:
> Thanks,
> I’ve know been through the Graphic and Text based installs and did not see any such prompt. I’ve even done what was suggested and did the install from a USB key and still the issue persists - installing Devuan ASCII and using LVM Encryption results in the requirement for a PS2 input to unlock the encryption.
> Unless there is something I am missing here, I believe this is in fact a bug.
> Any suggestions or input would be very much appreciated!
> Thanks again,
> Mike

When the installer is going to create the initramdisk it asks whether to create a "generic" one or one with only the necessary drivers. This is in expert install, either graphic or text.
