:: Re: [DNG] Is Void OK? Was: Keep it …
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Autor: Rick Moen
Data: 2018-05-19 20:14 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Is Void OK? Was: Keep it alive
Quoting Arnt Karlsen (arnt@???):

> 17 years ago, I was the final lawful
> webmaster at fmb.no, our domain docs were stolen by
> https://www.frp.no/ people.

Just to unpack a bit of what you say, for those less able to follow your
nation's affairs, and practicing my translation skills, your registered
(and now-vanished) organisation Folkeaksjonen mot bompenger (fmb.no) had
a name translating to 'people against tolls'. You appear to have been
conducting a grassroots campaign against excessive road (and presumably
ferry) tolls, charging among other things that the pattern of same was a
product of influence over politicians in the Storting (parliament) by
Statoil, the national oil/gas company.

'frp.no' refers to Fremskrittspartiet ('Progress Party'), a right-wing
populist political party in Norway.