:: Re: [DNG] d1h with LANG=de_DE@UTF-8…
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Szerző: Hleb Valoshka
Dátum: 2018-01-10 20:04 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] d1h with LANG=de_DE@UTF-8 fails
On 1/10/18, Andreas Messer <andi@???> wrote:
> xxx@xxx:~/Devuan/elogind$ d1h prepare unstable
> Auf Branch suites/experimental
> Ihr Branch ist auf dem selben Stand wie 'origin/suites/experimental'.
> nichts zu committen, Arbeitsverzeichnis unverändert
> There are uncommitted changes or untracked files present.
> Please commit your changes or ignore untracked files
> xxx@xxx:~/Devuan/elogind$ LANG=C d1h prepare unstable
> On branch suites/experimental
> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/suites/experimental'.
> nothing to commit, working tree clean
> [suites/unstable d6328942d] creating suite suites/unstable
> 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
> [= suite "suites/experimental" ready =]
> Switched to branch 'suites/experimental'
> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/suites/experimental'.

d1h is just a shell script, so you can try to run it as "/bin/sh -x
/usr/bin/d1h ..." to see what happens.