On 2018-01-05 20:08, Andreas Messer wrote:
> If anyone like to try it out, checkout branch suites/experimental
> from https://git.devuan.org/amesser/elogind.git and build with
> debbuild. This is my first package, comments are welcome.
-> d/changelog
elogind (234.4-devuan1) experimental; urgency=medium
This package is native to Devuan, so it's version should be 234.4-1 or
-> d/control & d/libelogind-data.install
libelogind-data contains only l10n files, so there is no need for a
separate package, merge libelogind-data into libelogind.
Build-Depends: debhelper,
Add minimal debhelper version (>= 9) as in d/compat you have 9.
-> d/elogind.init
A lot of `--pidfile /run/elogin.pid' you'd better define a variable
ELOGIND_PID=elogin.pid and use it instead.
run_by_init() is not used anywhere.
And I suppose there is no need to check for upstart, abandoned and
unsupported afair in Dev1 sustem.
-> d/libpam-elogind.postinst
Extra newlines.
-> d/libpam-elogind.prerm
Extra newlines.
"pam-auth-update --package --remove consolekit"
-> d/elogind.install
Lines looking like some/dir/* can be simplified just to some/dir/
-> libelogind-dev.install
add lib/*/libelogind.so
remove all *.la files
usr/include/elogind/* + usr/include/elogind/systemd/* = usr/include/elogind/
-> d/rules
DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)
Can be safely removed as you depend on debhelper >= 9
--enable-kdbus \
KDBus is not here, please remove.
dh_autoreconf debian/rules -- autoreconf
It doesn't look that you need to run autogen.sh, so these targets can be
safely removed. In case you really need to run autogen.sh, use the following:
dh_autoreconf ./autogen.sh
dh $@ --builddirectory=build --with autoreconf --parallel
Remove `--builddirectory=build` as you set it in override_dh_auto_configure
and --parallell, afaik dh is clever enough to enable it automatically.
> There are some things with package file structure which might
> be improved. I'm building elogind with the options recommended
> in autogen.sh. But this implies that commands and libs are
> installed to /bin and /lib and some very obscure thing, elogind
> itself is installed to /lib/elogind/elogind. I suggest to install
> it to /usr/bin, /usr/sbin and /usr/lib as usual and dropping that
> weird /lib/elogind folder? Oppinions?
Agree, but lib/elogind/elogind-cgroups-agent should go to