Szerző: Arnt Gulbrandsen Dátum: 2017-12-20 21:13 -000 Címzett: dng Tárgy: Re: [DNG] Debian Devs using OSx? was Devuan in the German Wikipedia
Steve Litt writes: > Is there evidence somewhere that Debian DDs use OS/x?
It's so common among developers in general that it would be very surprising
if zero debianites do it.
Macbooks are almost a standard among developers, certainly a majority of
the last hundred developers I've worked with used macbooks, perhaps even
more than 90. Running production servers on linux is also common (linux is
the most common OS even on Azure). Vagrant and Parallels support VMs well
on MacOSX, and developers who want to test production-like during
development often have Parallels or Vagrant. Connect the dots.