:: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet De…
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Autor: Patrick Meade
Data: 2017-12-15 02:27 -000
Dla: devuan-dev
Temat: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Dec. 13, 2017
And now for your kind attention, the devuan-dev Meet Notes from
Wednesday, December 13th, 2017.



# December 13 2017 @20:30 UTC

Pad is here:


Meet here: https://vdc.dyne.org/devuan
   * Please post notes prior to the meet.
   * Please add your name as 'Present' below when you get to the meet.
   * When adding a comment in someone else's notes, please pre-pend your
     name like this: (whoever) whatever . . .

Present: blinkdog, fsmithred, golinux, parazyd, rrq

## Agenda

### Old Business
* (golinux) @evilham . . . Did you ever get access to talk.d.o?

#### Old Actions
* All solved.

### New Business
* Devuan ASCII sprint -- 15-16-17 Dec. 2017:
* https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/message/20171211.190051.843303de.en.html

#### New actions
* ACTION: put deb.devuan.org instead of auto.mirror.devuan.org on
https://devuan.org (under Packages, and maybe somewhere else too)
* ACTION: take a look at slim theming. whatever is providing it in
desktop-base could probably be moved into our forked slim package
* https://git.devuan.org/fsmithred/desktop-base
* https://git.devuan.org/devuan-packages/slim
* ACTION: eudev giving strange interface naming in certain situations.
not always reproducible parazyd will investigate
* ACTION: will add WIP Clearlooks-Phenix-DarkPurpy to desktop-base
because GTK-3 in ascii breaks Clearlooks- Phenix-Purpy. Will
eventually re-theme CP with purpy colors for ascii

#### blinkdog
* Posted Dev Meet Notes:
* Mail:
* Wiki:
* (parazyd) diffoscope - make diffs out of .iso, tgz, whatever
* Added `yeti` to the wiki `editors` group
* Worked on desktop-base with fsmithred
* He sent package, but I haven't been able to test it personally yet
* Getting ready for the Devuan Ascii sprint
* Made a local Debian mirror to run devuan-cd
* Making some VM snapshots; fresh Jessie install, fresh Ascii upgrade
* Maybe work on MATE with parazyd
* Anything else of release critical importance?
* IceCube skunkworks
* Question: Best Devuan configuration management solution?
* Question: Best Devuan container solution?
* (golinux) Spam blocker needed for the wiki to eliminate the need for
manual activation. Maybe a honeypot (which works a treat on the

#### Evilham:
* Won't make it to the meeting today, will prepare things for the
sprint though.
* (golinux) Bummer. Will miss you today.

#### golinux
* GTK-3 in ascii breaks Clearlooks-Phenix-Purpy from Jessie.
Clearlooks-Phenix in ascii is eye-shattering blue but works OK. If
anyone wants a WIP version of Clearlooks-Phenix-DarkPurpy, I can zip
it up and post. Colors will be slightly tweaked in the days ahead
and the OB theme is still for jessie purpy but the GTK-3 engine
renders properly. Hopefully it will be packaged soon.

#### fsmithred
* desktop-base is working in ascii
* next up is the new theme. I don't expect any problems with

#### parazyd
* will take up actions from the sprint pad

#### KatolaZ
* I am late, sorry. Will try to join if possible
* have got access to dak
* worked on removing a few packages there
* closed a few bugs for ascii and jessie
* added some points for the sprint