:: [devuan-dev] slim for ascii
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Autor: golinux
Fecha: 2017-12-09 18:00 -000
A: devuan-dev
Asunto: [devuan-dev] slim for ascii
Hi all,

Here is slim re-themed for ascii. Please review/test it. In addition
fsmithred emailed me some thoughts about how slim is served to users.
Please provide feedback and come to a decision. Someone will also need
to package it - I just play with the crayons. ;) It will of course have
to be renamed to slim.



(from fsmithred)
Not sure if we should include the devuan theme in the slim package or
I kinda think we should. Currently, the devuan theme is provided and set
up by desktop-base. Not sure what the rationale is for leaving the
theme as the default in the devuan slim package. It is a forked package
with 'devuan' in the version.

slim.conf has the current theme set to desktop-slim-theme.
/usr/share/slim/themes/desktop-slim-theme is a symlink to
/etc/alternatives/desktop-slim-theme which points to

desktop-base puts devuan-curve-purpy in /usr/share/slim/themes/ and
changes the alternatives link to point to devuan-curve-purpy.

If the setting in slim.conf gets changed, it overrides the alternatives
link. I think this setting should stay as it is, but we should move
default/ to default.debian, and put in a default/ with devuan art. Then
anyone who installs slim without desktop-base will get a devuan theme,
anyone who installs desktop-base will get the devuan slim theme that's
included in desktop-base. Currently, there's only one theme per release,
but it would be possible to have multiple themes and change them through
the alternatives system.

Does this make sense?
