:: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet No…
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Autor: Patrick Meade
Datum: 2017-11-30 01:22 -000
To: devuan-dev
Betreff: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Nov. 29, 2017
And now for your kind attention, the devuan-dev Meet Notes from
Wednesday, November 29th, 2017.



# November 29 2017 @20:30 UTC

Meet here: https://vdc.dyne.org/devuan
   * Please post notes prior to the meet.
   * Please add your name as 'Present' below when you get to the meet.
   * When adding a comment in someone else's notes, please pre-pend your
     name like this: (whoever) whatever . . .

Present: blinkdog, chillfan, evilham, fsmithred, golinux, jaromil,
KatolaZ, msi (pad, irc), parazyd, rrq

## Agenda

### Old Business
   * ACTION: @everybody propose viable solutions for the CDN setup for
     package mirrors
     * (parazyd) discuss on the email thread
     * atm we have several offers for mirrors
     * 6 package mirrors are active at the moment
     * there are two options:
       * ACTION:  rebuild jessie ISOs (point release 1.1?) (with updated
         packages (~130 out of date (mostly jessie-security) packages))
         and including new devuan-keyring
         * (msi) When doing that, please consider
           http://bugs.devuan.org/db/11/117.html and
   * ACTION: investigate if devuan-cd should be still used or revert
     to barebone d-i
     * (Evilham) this would imply re-building the live isos
       (fsmithred), arm images (parazyd) and minimal-live (KatolaZ)
       besides regular installer (jaromil/Centurion_Dan)
     * (fsmithred) No problem with making new live isos. Installer
       has some corrections and should be updated in the isos.
     * (rejected) leaving isos as is: keeping auto.mirror a CNAME for
   * ACTION: @everybody make proposals for a suitable backup
     strategy, on to it. top of instance redundancy
     * utilize the mailinglist for this
     * NEEDS MORE DISCUSSION (but also an immediate plan)
   * ACTION: @everybody study alternatives to dak (KatolaZ: maybe try
   * ACTION: @everybody test all possible install/update/upgrade (IN
     PROCESS) paths involving ASCII and document
     * Example of upgrade paths:
       * Fresh ASCII install
       * Debian/Jessie -> Devuan/ASCII
       * Devuan/Jessie -> Devuan/ASCII
       * Debian/Stretch -> Devuan/ASCII
     * (fsmithred) Which display manager for fresh ascii install? Fix
       slim or change deps in task-xfce-desktop.
   * ACTION: We need to discuss how we will attend the transitional
     udev packages. Talk to parazyd for more info.
     * (discuss this meeting)
       * transitional packages (only a control file/empty packages)
       * decision: let's make an entire package with a debian dir on
         git.do/devuan-packages/udev (will be done by parazyd and
     * (KatolaZ): this is done, right?
   * ACTION: base-files were updated by Evilham. Needs review.
     * (KatolaZ) Update: I managed to rebuild the package: it's in
       ascii-proposed now -- we just need to move it to ascii)
     * (Evilham) made the discussed motd/uname change since it's
       minor and nothing was said against it.
   * ACTION: https://bugs.devuan.org/db/78/78.html
     * For beowulf+: make a patch for Debian: (add vendor file)
     * For ascii: fork with the vendor file added
     * consider having deb.devuan.org as the round-robin instead of
       auto.mirror to support all the mirors immediately in ascii
   * ACTION: build util-linux for ascii (KatolaZ, parazyd, Evilham,
     * (parazyd): sysvinit needs updating to a version that is in
       stretch this will ideally avoid the circuar dependency, or we
       see what's next

#### Dan's Actions
   * ACTION: @CenturionDan will have a look at building util-linux for
     ascii (the build is stuck due to circular deps) -- Dan has past
     experience on that (+ anyone else, please look into this ASAP;
     * (gnu_srs) @CenturionDan: Please try to find the time to fix the
     * No progress for seven weeks
     * this can be blocking (e)udev
       * (gnu_srs) No, it is related to openrc
   * ACTION: more people need access to dak and knowledge about its
     internals. we are not able to delete debs from repos, nor do any
     kind of other operations.
     * dak is also still undocumented in infrastructure_doc
   * ACTION: ascii-proposed and experimental don't offer deb-src
     * @Centurion_Dan: Please have a look.
       * (unknown) *** this is an amprolla issue *** use packagemaster
   * ACTION: delete our forked openssh packages from the repositories
     * Not only ssh, also openvpn and other packages. (cups comes to
       mind also)
     * SOLUTION: access to packages is there, from user dak using dak
   * Proposed ACTION: d1dev Webinar Series (wishlist)
     * Subject: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Debian
     * Presenter: CenturionDan
     * Time/date/location TBA

#### Actions in Process
   * ACTION: @everybody complete the proposed ASCII ROADMAP (IN PROCESS)
   * ACTION there is an instance on ganeti for a newer files.devuan.org
     (KatolaZ) jaromil to transfer them, we need to copy the nginx setup
     * ACTION: give access to jaromil
     * ACTION: setup nginx there
     * ACTION: increase files.devuan.org FS space
   * ACTION: @parazyd  MATE ~~and Cinnamon~~ repos by Antofox
     * cinnamon will be attended once MATE is done
     * Packages have now been moved to devuan-packages, and will be built
       in due time. (from ascii roadmap)
   * ACTION: @KatolaZ GitLab updates
     * see what to do with gitlab updates
       * (golinux) Discuss after ascii gets out the door
   * ACTION: (Evilham) Trying to straighten up devuan-baseconf:
     * Delete suites/jessie-proposed as that is behind suites/jessie
     * suites/jessie contains what is currently in suites/jessie
     * New version would be 6.5 in unstable, 6.5+devuan1 in
       jessie-proposed and 6.5+devuan2 in ascii
     * Related bugs:
       * https://bugs.devuan.org/db/12/128.html
       * https://bugs.devuan.org/db/13/131.html

#### Ongoing Actions
   * (KatolaZ) add documentation to the configuration of pkgmaster

#### Completed Actions
   * (KatolaZ) set up the second new server as soon as it is ordered -
     * DONE: rrq and katolaz have access
   * ACTION: https://bugs.devuan.org/db/12/124.html
     * Jaromil or Centurion Dan have root on packages.do
     * The nginx config on pkgmaster can be used to close this bug.
       * SOLVED

### New Business

#### msi
   * Please have a look at
     https://friendsofdevuan.org/doku.php/devuan_doc:start for the state
     of the draft for Devuan's documentation
     * one important thing missing there: developers' documentation
     * we need to decide on how to fit that in
       * suggestions at:

   * blinkdog uses scripts for formatting pad notes for the wiki and
     the mailing list. To make sure those notes get into the wiki and
     to the list quickly, we've discussed the idea of putting up a
     website running these scripts, so anyone could do the conversions.
     Currently, these scripts are written in CoffeeScript, which has
     some advantages. The downside is: You won't be able to use them in
     a browser that doesn't support JavaScript (e.g. w3m).

#### blinkdog
   * Meet notes added to the Wiki
   * Meet notes sent to the Mailing List
     * Sorry about the delay; I was on a programming bender. :-)
   * vivus talked to me after the meet  last week (and I think golinux on
     the 28th?) about maintaining packages for Devuan:

     <vivus> Does Devuan need any volunteers for package maintenance?
     <blinkdog> which packages would you like to maintain vivus?
     <vivus> blinkdog: anything Python and I can assist

   * (Evilham) pkg maintaining: YES.
     * Python-specific: from the looks of it, not atm. Maybe some RFP
       over Debian?
   * msi had a great suggestion about embedding the wikify/listify
     scripts into a web page so that anybody can cut/paste.
     * Evilham: Are you willing to host such a page if I create it?
       * (Evilham): Yes :)
   * Anybody use Pidgin for messaging? Specifically with Off The
     Record (OTR)?
     * I've registered a nick `blinkdog_otr` on freenode; feel free
       to add me.
     * B8A6F401 ... C135D683
   * Slow/No Progress on these items, but they are still on my list
     * init-script-checker-bot
     * sane group and permission structure for wiki
   * Happy Birthday Devuan! (November, 27, 2014)
     * Is there a press release?

#### KatolaZ
* I will probably attend today
* worked on ascii minimal-live images. it's almost ready
* rebuilt Evilham's base-files (it's in ascii-proposed)
* added points in ASCII roadmap (please see the relevant pad)
* studying (our patched version of) dak
* studying other tools for repo management (aptly)

#### fsmithred
   * ascii desktop-live isos work (with a little nudge)
     * Remove alsa-base from libdevuansdk/config  <-- N.B parazyd
     * desktop-base 0.99 in ascii does grub theme correctly (old purpy)
     * Add grub-common and grub2-common to blend config, or grub package
       does not install.
     * There will be one iso for uefi and bios in amd64.
       * (latest cli installer does the right thing.)
     * Other things I need to do:
       * Get fontsnaps package into repo.
       * Update refractainstaller and refractasnapshot packages for ascii
       * Learn to love d-i. (Later, I guess.)

#### golinux
   * Making progress on the theming:
     https://transfer.sh/cobFy/ascii_darker.png Which is a better
     filename? Clearlooks-Phenix-Ascii or Clearlooks-Phenix-Purpydark?
     First one is shorter . . . This one is a little lighter:
   * Discourse . . . Today I had an email from a local user.  Not a power
     user by any means - he edited sources.list with Libre Office!
     Anyway, he found this post
     https://talk.devuan.org/t/upgrading-devuan-jessie-to-ascii/363 and
     things are not quite working right for him.  Of course pkgmaster
     didn't exist back then, the landscape is constantly changing and he
     likely did something silly.  But still I'm concerned that some of
     the posts there if not already out-dated will quickly become so.
     Would be nice if a message could be posted there that the site is
     for archival use only.

### Evilham
   * Swamped working ahead to prepare for the weekend at Ungleich, prob.
     will be able to work on Devuan all weekend :).
   * Will prioritise the bot ideas, since it's a hackathon :-p.
   * Have been thinking about apt-transport-ipfs <-- https://ipfs.io/ may
     be doable!

#### New Actions
   * ACTION: @jaromil give katolaz access to the current dak installation
   * ACTION: @jaromil give evilham and katolaz access to the new vpn
   * ACTION: give access katolaz/parazyd to packages.devuan.org (to close
     bug #124)
   * ACTION: @jaromil give access to discourse for evilham
   * ACTION: @KatolaZ / @jaromil check on dak why there is no binary-all
     under ascii-proposed
   * new server online, for a new ganeti node setup
     * rrq and katolaz and jrml have accces for start
     * ip: - we need a name! napier.devuan.org! (pls update
       the DNS) DONE!
   * choosemirror package responsible to choose the mirrors by the
     installer this is the point to interact about the repo update
     * deb.devuan.org <- new cdn / auto.mirror link
   * DONE ACTION: create a dns entry A record to same ip of pkgmaster for
     now (deb.devuan.org) (DONE)
   * ACTION: Update website instructions re: repositories + sources.list
   * ACTION: (KatolaZ) put list of mirrors *somewhere* for Evilham to
     pull it
     *(Evilham) this can be GL, a website, on the mirrors, ... :) doesn't
   * ACTION: put the list of package mirrors  (on the webpage
   * DONE ACTION: get certs for deb.devuan.org (KatolaZ)