著者: Jaromil 日付: To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] rc.local removed from Debian 9, rly?
On Tue, 21 Nov 2017, John Hughes wrote:
> > Then I believe we also agree that rc.local is a serious regressions?
> What regression?
the fact that besides creating it and making it executable, one must
also activate the service unit.
> > In Debian right now I don't even see a debate,
> A debate about what? Whether rc.local should be run? Whoever said it
> shouldn't be? Or that it won't be in the future?
I am afraid that is not enough to create /etc/rc.local to have it ran
by default. just afraid, not checked enough, hence asking
> Rumors. From some of the least reliable tech sites on the web
> (stackoverflow! Ack Pfft!). Did you see any of these "rumors" on
> an actual Debian site or mailing list?
no, the "rumors" I refer to are, as I said, coming from an upstream
project whose CI has broken.
I'm glad we also have an important take away for Devuan as Katolaz
points out: to mark the initscripts package as important.