:: Re: [DNG] WARNING: lvm2 > 2.02.173-…
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Συντάκτης: Rick Moen
Ημερομηνία: 2017-11-08 06:30 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] WARNING: lvm2 > 2.02.173-1 breaks some systems and make them unbootable
Quoting John Hughes (john@???):

> Wave Without a Shore by C.J. Cherryh

Review by Randy Byers: http://randy-byers.livejournal.com/600709.html
(This Cherryh short novel is most often found, these days, in omnibus
volume _Alternate Realities_, with two other short novels.)

Your implication that people using killfiles are risking solipsism or
insularity is pretty obviously incorrect. Nobody has time and patience
for everything and everyone -- and thus, as a listadmin for many LUGs, I
have become a huge proponent of people employing either killfiles or
scoring systems (an alternative design supported by, e.g., Emacs GNUS)
to focus their attention on topics and contributors they find
interesting, and to downgrade or discard topics and contributors they
find annoying and/or wastes of time. Encouraging each participant to do
_this_ is, among other advantages, a major aid to civility, and
facilitates letting each contributor enjoy the experience he/she wants,
without the need to impose top-down, centralised content control just to
fix interpersonal problems.

Or, as we say at Silicon Valley Linux User Group:

SVLUG's listadmins normally intervene only to ensure lists' technical
operation, to halt spam (incontrovertible spam, not postings someone
merely dislikes), and to halt major eruptions of offtopic spew.
Enforcement if any should always be minimal and public. (We don't do
backroom politics, and our preferred means of social control is to help
everyone apply his/her own well-tuned killfile.)
