:: Re: [DNG] gpg 2.2.x devuan jessie n…
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Auteur: Daniel Kahn Gillmor
Datum: 2017-10-27 04:43 -000
Aan: Fulano Diego Perez, GnuPG Users, dng
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] gpg 2.2.x devuan jessie no TOFU TLS
On Fri 2017-10-27 01:00:36 +1100, Fulano Diego Perez wrote:
> cannot work this out
> installed sqlite3 and gnutls available packages and -dev packages

what versions of these packages did you install? can you provide more
explicit details?

the debian packages build fine on stretch and later, but i'm reluctant
to try to backport them to jessie myself these days. Such a port would
introduce too many platform-level incompatibilities.
