:: Re: [DNG] UEFI and Secure Boot
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Autor: Taiidan@gmx.com
Data: 2017-10-26 09:32 -000
Para: zap, dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] UEFI and Secure Boot
On 10/23/2017 09:12 PM, zap wrote:

> no blobs of any kind with regard to wifi especially!

Yes! and of course a an open source firmware with fully open source
silicon init. (ex: TALOS 2, KCMA-D8, KGPE-D16, Novena and a few others
with the G505S being the most free modern laptop with IOMMU and no black
box supervisor processor aka ME/PSP)
> Other things that would be helpful would of course not use pulseaudio or
> systemd... . But meh... kind of hard not to use pulseaudio

My devuan is pulseaudio free :D (see below)
> It is also notable that blobs are awful for security
> I try to do all these things, and also you should use something like
> librecmc or lede for your router.

I like OPNSense on my router - pfsense has became too corporate and they
are very caviler when it comes to security (still no gpg sigs for the
.iso files, they claim it isn't needed as they have the hashes stored on
another sever......using the same software and distro that the first
> ps, I do most of the things I mentioned... but I do not have a way to
> remove pulseaudio yet as of now...

I use devuan on a HTPC without pulseaudio, it works fine with just ALSA
no matter if I use my HDMI sound via the video card or a dedicated sound
card (I bought a decent one and it sounds much better)