Skribent: Arno Schuring Dato: Til: Emne: Re: [devuan-dev] Nominations for Devuan Council (Re: Notes - Devuan
meet Oct. 04/05 2017)
Thusly spoke Jaromil (jaromil@??? on 2017-10-09 19:49 +0200): > On Mon, 09 Oct 2017, Arno Schuring wrote:
> > I believe that Devuan needs a leadership that facilitates more than
> > one that does.
> I agree with this general statement, thanks for contributing to the
> discussion. I just hope the collectivity of people gathered in this
> list understands well the dynamics at place and facilitate towards a
> first step of inclusion: for a start, that of extending the decision
> making group to 5 people.
Thanks to you too, for bringing this discussion. As for myself, I do
not feel I understand the "dynamics at place" fully enough to weigh in
on specific matters.
> [..] That's why I'm trying to enable more people through a
> process that respects our current "emergency dictatorship" which, as
> every dictatorship does, turns out to be toxic on the long term.
And I'm fine with that in principle (well, not fine, but I think it
can be excused given our current size), but as yet I'm not convinced
that we really need "emergency dictators". My understanding is that we
actually need "emergency operators", i.e. people that have the access
required to push through changes that we have already agreed upon to
make. That's why I asked what actual powers we are to bestow on the new
Maybe I'm just picking nits here, but to me there is a wide gap between
"authority to make decisions" and "authorization to make changes". To
me it appears (and I admit this is a limited understanding) we need the