:: Re: [DNG] Life under Devuan is impo…
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Autor: Steve Litt
Datum: 2017-10-08 01:34 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Life under Devuan is impossible.
On Sat, 7 Oct 2017 09:20:18 -0300
"Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI" <renaud@???> wrote:

> Since I updated my Debian Wheezy to Devuan Jessie I am unable to
> access USB drives to store data.

My experience is that upgrading between major versions is a probable
fail, so why in the world would anyone upgrade between distros?

[snip descriptions of typical ghosts of operating systems past]

> Is there a way to move from Devuan Jessie to Debian Jessie without
> catching the systemd pox ?
> Cheers,

Yeah. Back up, lay down fresh Devuan Jessie, and restore your data.

And do it again when you move from Devuan Jessie to Devuan Ascii. And
Beowulf. And Ceres.

A known state is wonderful. That's why GIT defines the state after
every commit. By the time you replace your worn out Debian Wheezy, you
have no idea what kind of state your system is in. And Devuan can't be
expected to sort all that out for you. Not really.

Yes, I know, I know, a dozen people will stand up right now and shout
that their major upgrades always work and they haven't had to backup,
format, install fresh and restore data since Debian 3.0, and the only
reason they had to do that was because. OK fine, for sure for sure,
they got lucky. And they have little understanding of what bizarre
config file contraptions are wiring together their modern software with
deprecated wierdness. Anyone this allergic to a fresh install should
be using a rolling release. And perhaps the most important, they
annually missed opportunities to do spring cleaning and get that box in
a state they can understand.

Respect your time and mental energy: Back up, format, install fresh,
then VERY SELECTIVELY restore data, and I mean data, not config. To
redo config, go in the new file and type in values, looking at the old
file for guidance if needed. You'll have a solid Devuan.


Steve Litt
October 2017 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century