:: Re: [DNG] Gnome?
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Auteur: Bardot Jérôme
Datum: 2017-09-28 20:01 -000
Aan: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] Gnome?
Le 28/09/2017 à 13:41, Arnt Karlsen a écrit :
> On Thu, 28 Sep 2017 09:40:54 +0200, Bardot wrote in message
> <a02d0b5e-22cf-2c58-e8d1-3ce8ddfc7f9c@???>:
>> Le 27/09/2017 à 18:24, Edward Bartolo a écrit :
>>> Quote: "Yes, we do want them, because we want enough users of Gnome
>>> here so we can tell the Gnome project to make systemd conditional in
>>> their source tree, and to accept the patches we (and others) will
>>> send upstream."
>> If the work is done i don't know why they not accept it.
> ..could easily be politics: "Systemd und ordning muss sein!"
>>> Pushing systemd down Gnome users' throats is part of their marketing
>>> strategy. How are you going to convince the Gnome developers not to
>>> use anything to that helps them attain their goals? Is it enough to
>>> state the already stated about systemd and its adoption? I am afraid
>>> the developers are too enthusiastic about systemd's new ways to
>>> accept the olden ways.
>> There is a few number of young developper aware of this.
>> Me for example. But it's not easy to create a company and
>> take time for not remunerate work on free software.
> ..true, especially when "upstream hates you", or when
> everyone believes "it's not worth the while nor effort."

I know several sys admin whom migrate to devuan the last past weeks
because their prod server bug cause of systemd.

I show several messages from twitter like "f%ck you systemd" the last is
because restart won't work because of dbus.

I hope a day debian people woke up.

The last step for me before migrate is devuan catch up last debian testing.

Do you or something else know if some companies need dev work on free
software ? 

Because i will be available soon.

How many people currently work on devuan ?