:: Re: [devuan-dev] Ascii release prop…
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Skribent: Ivan J.
Dato: 2017-09-26 12:26 -000
Til: devuan developers internal list
Emne: Re: [devuan-dev] Ascii release proposal
On Mon, 25 Sep 2017, Chandler Wise wrote:

>    I also wish to add something else as well, it seems like
>    xinput-calibrator doesn't work on some systems anymore (For ASCII I
>    know it has stopped working with my Toughbook CF-30 and has also
>    stopped working for other models of Toughbooks, albeit I can not
>    confirm if this affects ASCII or not).
>    I'm not sure why this is for xinput-calibrator, but I have found that
>    there is a script that works instead, perhaps we might be able to get
>    it into ASCII before hand (so we can have an in-repo solution.) I would
>    like to also note that this script is not currently packaged on any
>    distribution, so if we do create a package for it, it would be a
>    potential plus for some users.

Fell free to start up a more technical discussion for this.

~ parazyd
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