:: Re: [DNG] docker images
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著者: Olaf Meeuwissen
日付: 2017-09-26 10:14 -000
To: Enrico Weigelt\, metux IT consult
CC: dng
題目: Re: [DNG] docker images
Sorry for the late follow-up, been travelling.

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult writes:

> On 16.09.2017 21:11, golinux@??? wrote:
>> On 2017-09-16 14:03, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> anyone of you already created docker images ?
>>> What do you think about publishing 'official' images into the
>>> docker.io registry ? Maybe starting with very minimal - one per release
>>> and arch ...
>> Did you not see this thread started about a week ago?
>> https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/message/20170906.214658.6fa81dd7.en.html

@golinux> thanks for mentioning it.

> must have missed that.
> by 'official' I mean something equivalent to the debian ones,
> w/ 'devuan' username in the registry, so it clear to everybody,
> it's coming from the devuan project itself, not just some
> individual.

# Technically it's the 'devuan' *image* that lives in the "official"
# namespace of the special cased Docker Hub registry. BTW, that hub
# has been renamed to the Docker Store ...

To make it really clear it comes from the Devuan project itself, I'd
prefer getting it from a Devuan hosted registry.

> IMHO, this should be coming directly bootstrappe'd from devuan repos
> and be very minimal.

The devuan images available from my GitLab registry *are* directly
bootstrapped from the devuan repos using devuan's debootstrap. All
the bootstrapping is done on an intermediate devuan image that was
created by migrating the debian base image to Devuan.

> My *current* goal is setting up some builder image for ptxdist-based
> applications - later on, I'd like to replace my manually built chroot
> on my notebook via docker, add another one for skype jail, etc.
> For that it would be cool to have a well-maintained minimal base.
> (for now, I still have lots of stuff on ubuntu and debian, which
> I'd like to replace in the future)

If you have any suggestions for my images feel free to submit issues


Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2            FSF Associate Member since 2004-01-27
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