:: Re: [devuan-dev] Ascii release prop…
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Szerző: golinux
Dátum: 2017-09-24 17:46 -000
Címzett: devuan developers internal list
Tárgy: Re: [devuan-dev] Ascii release proposal
On 2017-09-24 06:05, Ivan J. wrote:
> Hello. Due to recent events and things that have been going on we have
> neglected the much needed work on Devuan Ascii. With this email I would
> like to strike up some work being done and make a new proposal
> regarding
> Ascii and Beowulf. Ideally, if we reach an agreement within the
> following points, we should try and work burst-mode and get this done
> as
> soon as possible.
> Personally I am very worried with the amount of time we are behind
> Debian, meaning that our "testing" is equal to (already frozen for a
> year+) Debian's "stable". This is a thing that needs to be swiftly
> addressed and we need to catch up with Debian by providing Beowulf
> being
> our "testing", moving Ascii to "stable", and finally Jessie to
> "oldstable".
> So, saying this, let's move on to my proposal:
> Due to the streamlining from expetimental->unstable->testing->stable
> not
> yet being ready, to catch up with Debian we should probably release
> Ascii the same way we did with Jessie. With Jessie we haven't made a
> patch release (e.g. 1.0.1 or 1.1.0) since the initial 1.0.0 release.
> IMHO we can leave it like that, but with Ascii we can do these if
> necessary. What I find more important is the streamlining work so we
> can
> be on track with Debian and keep going on with testing and development
> on Ceres and Beowulf - rather than losing time and nerves with Jessie
> and Ascii.
> The Ascii roadmap I wrote after the release of Jessie hasn't received
> much love and not much progress has been made on it, so with this email
> I will render it obsolete and try getting the points below finished.
> These should be about enough to make a 2.0.0 release, and later on, if
> really needed, we can make 2.1.0 and others.
> General status
> --------------
>     * outdated packages in Ascii: http://sprunge.us/AIeF

>         These packages might and might not need updates, but we should
>         figure out if there is some necessary releases to be done
>         regarding security.

>     * libsystemd packages in Ascii: http://sprunge.us/cfAW

>         These packages shouldn't have to be forked at this point, since
>         the library doesn't do anything if systemd is not there.

>     * banned packages in Ascii: http://sprunge.us/ALPE

>         These packages look fine, and should not need touching.

> Init
> ----
> sysvinit is still working fine in Ascii. I would propose keeping it
> this
> way, and looking at OpenRC for Ceres first, and then Beowulf.
> Udev
> ----
> We should try and push eudev as the default hotplugging daemon. It has
> been working perfectly stable for a while now. Currently it's still in
> the experimental repos.
> syslog
> ------
> rsyslog still isn't being built properly for Ascii. This breaks default
> debootstrap and locks the Jessie version if a dist-upgrade is being
> done. Should we try fixing the rsyslog package or forcing a different
> daemon like syslog-ng?
> Xorg
> ----
> Xorg still seems to work if we use the "xserver-xorg-legacy" package.
> It
> requires a hack being put in Xwrapper.config that makes it mandatorily
> run as root if no login manager is present. If a login manager like
> slim
> or lightdm are present, it should work just fine.
> Amprolla
> --------
> We need to finish the new Amprolla setup and force it as the new main
> package mirror. Amprolla3 is merging ascii-updates and ascii-security,
> which should need no tweaking and should keep working as-is. It has
> been
> tested and proven working multiple times, even before deploying it on
> the Devuan infrastructure. This action point implies fixing and pushing
> an update to devuan-keyring as well.
> Conclusion
> ----------
> Unfortunately, due to the timespan, I feel like these are the only
> points we should address for this 2.0.0 Ascii release. Again, the
> reason
> for this (somewhat radical) approach is to catch up with Debian and not
> be two years behind. This allows us to keep being a competitor and
> gives
> newcomers expected behavior and not two-year-old packages.
> Please, let me know your thoughts and criticisms and let's discuss this
> in a polite way.
> Thank you.
> _______________________________________________

parazyd . . . thanks for this well-thought out proposal. Agreed that we
need to get ascii out the door ASAP. This seems like a priority item
for the Wednesday meet. Will post a pad sometime tomorrow.

Since I'm not on ascii yet, the theming hasn't been done so users will
have to deal with visual breakage (if any) on their own until I catch
