:: Re: [DNG] Devuan, Firefox and Apuls…
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著者: Miroslav Rovis
To: zap, Rick Moen
CC: dng
題目: Re: [DNG] Devuan, Firefox and Apulse
On 170923-14:28-0400, zap wrote:
> > (
> > And also, let's see if Enrico Weigelt's Librezilla takes off... Or, somebody
> > proove that Waterfox is indeed safer and more honest than Palemoon... More
> > people's testimonies on the latter would be needed, for me, to reconsider
> > Waterfox.
> > )
> Well, let's see where do I start,

Let me kindly tell you upfront, you're not more people, only a single
individual :-) ... I had already looked up Waterfox previously when you told me
about it.

But only if more people from Devuan or Debian created a traction would I be
more willing to give it a real try (would be lots of compiling, as in my
paragraph that survived so far, further down, just as for Palemoon, so lots of

> about:config has a lot of junk
> disabled in it in waterfox...
> such as pocket which is the worst spyware mozilla currently has built
> into firefox...
> thankfully it can be disabled though...
> then there is eme which while enabled by default you can disable it...
> also it takes me less than a minutes to disable the bad stuff waterfox
> though I do use privacy settings to get some stuff disabled... hint* hint*
> firefox takes a bit longer given they also have telemetry and pocket
> enabled.
> On the bright side of that though eme is disabled by default in debian's
> firefox/devuan's firefox.

And comparing waterfox to firefox may make for an easy win... First mention of
palemoon only below:
> Also, palemoon has restrictions on its software which waterfox does not.
> I believe its on its binaries or executables? I think?

Rick Moen in the later email, gave good explanation on the page you gave in
Something like simply overstated protection of their logo, and, let me hope
that, having corresponded (a little) on the list with the main guy behind Pale
Moon, Mark Straver (so far, I have had no reason to disbelieve of his
developer honesty), my impression is that (manual citation follows from that
> > > The binaries and/or archives are completely UNALTERED.

is likely just a good protection against plain abuse.

> But yeah, I look forward to seeing Librezilla become something awesome
> that blows waterfox and all other firefox based web browsers out of the
> water. :)
> >
> > Also, regarding the main topic (as in the Subject line), as I wrote about it
> > elsewhere today or yesterday: Palemoon, on pure ALSA, in my sans-dbus system
> > --means I also recompiled Palemoon sans-dbus--, audio/video in HTML5 works
> > here, as far as I tested it.
> >

(quoting manually again)
On 170923-20:04-0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting zap (calmstorm@???):
> >
> > On 09/23/2017 10:35 PM, Rick Moen wrote:

> If interested in this area of law, see: 'Trademark Law' on
> http://linuxmafia.com/kb/Licensing_and_Law/
> (I was one of the editors of _Linux Gazette_ magazine when SSC, Inc.,
> then publishers of _Linux Journal_, attempted to push us around using
> trademark-based threats. We called their bluff. We won.)

Rick, I briefly looked up:
but there's no mention of that specific case of trademark-based threats. None
of the words to be found in all the links at iusmentis.com, justinsomnia.org
nor audioholics.com that you gave under those paragraph on that page which
contain the string "threat". No "journ" "Gaze" strings to be found in them.

Another thing. I tried to view:
notice the 's' --> https://linuxmafia.com/kb/Licensing_and_Law/

I got the usual (quotes introduced manually):
> > > This Connection is Untrusted

I confirmed the "Security Exception" etc., etc.

And I got:

> > > General Protection Fault--404 Error!
> > >
> > > An exception 0d has occurred at 0028:C0003C72 in VxD VMM(01)+0000433F.
> > > This was called from 0028:C0059B54 in VxD 404(01)+00000F43.
> > > It may be possible to continue normally.
> > >
> > > * Press any key to attempt to continue.
> > > * Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart your computer. You will
> > > lose any unsaved information in all applications.
> > >
> > > Press any key to continue_

Nice joke!

Ah, but also I'm spending more time than I can afford on these curiosities
(both the legal one and this https one)... :-)

BTW, I updated unofficial-grsecurity-hardened kernel deb packages this morning:
( and I wonder if anybody will go past the fat WARNING there that I gave... )

And I need to do just a little more work next, to get:
that script in better order (the comments need sorting, else it works
correctly, and tells all the info a newbie needs).

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia