:: Re: [devuan-dev] [infra status] amp…
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Autor: Ivan J.
To: devuan-dev
Betreff: Re: [devuan-dev] [infra status] amprolla, mirrors, packages
On Thu, 24 Aug 2017, Ivan J. wrote:

> On Sun, 20 Aug 2017, Ivan J. wrote:
> > When replying, please reply inline, so we can extract it and commit to
> > git later on.
> >
> > Let's start with an easier one for the beginning :)
> >
> > I'd combine the amprolla section, with the package mirror section, and
> > request for someone to add what's missing in the loop (dak, ftp, etc...)
> > to the doc.
> >
> >
> > Current status
> > ==============
> >
> > packages.devuan.org
> > -------------------
> >
> > * packages.devuan.org is our main mirror
> >     * dak pushes .deb and Packages files here to /devuan
> >     * amprolla pushes Packages and other files here to /merged

> >
> > amprolla
> > --------
> >
> > * https://git.devuan.org/devuan-infrastructure/amprolla
> >     * this is the running version
> >     * located on a separated machine accessible through VPN
> >     * takes packages.devuan.org/devuan + deb.debian.org and combines
> >         * ships those back to packages.devuan.org/merged

> >
> > dak
> > ---
> >
> > * please fill in
> >
> >
> > TODO/Wishlist
> > -------------
> >
> > * [dak] Fix the Release headers in dak to represent valid ones
> >     * drawkula and parazyd can explain this once the task is activee
> >     * a hack has been implemented in amprolla3 to mitigate this, but for
> >       a valid solution - it should be fixed upstream - dak
> > * [general] Proceed with moving the "Future status" to current production

> >
> >
> > Future status
> > =============
> >
> > packages.devuan.org
> > -------------------
> >
> > * I am not sure what will happen with packages.devuan.org in the future
> >     * we will have to evaluate when the stuff below reaches production
> >     * or if someone has unspoken plans, please leave them here

> >
> >
> > amprolla3
> > ---------
> >
> > * https://git.devuan.org/maemo/amprolla
> >     * this is the reimplementation of the initial amprolla done by
> >       Wizzup and parazyd
> >     * it's been running on various servers and tested for validity
> > * For Devuan, it has been deployed on a VM on nemesis.devuan.org
> >     * There's a TODO item to solve for it to be production-ready
> > * Disk usage:
> >     * spool dir (unmerged devuan + debian-security + debian)
> >         * 2.2G
> >     * merged dir
> >         * 392M (without Contents files)
> >         * ~2.2G (with Contents files)
> >         * multiply by 3 if we are using 3-dir rotation
> >             * this needs evaluation if necessary or not
> >             * can be evaluated when in production

> >
> > pkgmaster.devuan.org
> > --------------------
> >
> > * A machine planning to be the main mirror where all other mirrors will
> >   pull from.
> > * has been set up by KatolaZ, so he's the person to give more info.
> > * has a shell account accessible by the amprolla machine where amprolla
> >   rsyncs the merged files after every merge/update
> > * has a restricted shell account allowing only rsync pull
> >     * this access is given to mirrors

> >
> > TODO/Wishlist
> > --------------
> >
> > * [amprolla3] Export the gnupg subkey amprolla will use with a password
> >     * turns out newer gnupg can't use/import unprotected subkeys
> >       properly. this has been debugged with #gnupg for some time and now
> >       needs to be tested with a protected subkey
> >     * waiting on jaromil or anyone else with access to the key to help
> >         (the master key is on the production amprolla machine)
> > * [amprolla3] Possibly fork the g.d.o./maemo/amprolla repository to
> >   g.d.o./devuan-infrastructure/amprolla3
> >     * please don't move it, fork it

> >

So, as nothing's happening, I'll just commit this as is.

~ parazyd
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