:: [DNG] upgrade from Debian stretch t…
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Autore: Hendrik Boom
Data: 2017-09-17 10:54 -000
To: dng
Vecchi argomenti: Re: [DNG] Another problem with systemd and I will switch to devuan
Oggetto: [DNG] upgrade from Debian stretch to Devuan ascii?
On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 07:50:56AM +0100, KatolaZ wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 07:49:28AM +0200, arne wrote:
> >
> > Now the question: I run debian stretch.
> > is it hard to switch to devuan or is a new install preferred?
> >
> "upgrading" from Debian to Devuan is officially supported so far only
> for Jessie (i.e., from Debian woody/jessie to Devuan Jessie). In
> theory, it shouldn't be too difficult to convert a Debian stretch into
> a Devuan ASCII, but I have not tried it so far. Maybe somebody else
> has good news on that front.
> It is quite possible that an official safe upgrade path will be
> provided also between Debian stretch and Devuan ASCII, as ASCII
> becomes stable.

Has anyone done this yet, with or without problems?

I know I upgraded from Debian Jessie to Devuan Jessie long before it
was stable and hd no problems, except for dumping packages that
depended on systemd, which I wasn't really using anyway.

Could it already be the same for stretch and ascii?

By the way, is it ascii or Ascii or ASCII? The character code is
indeed ASCII, being an acronym, but is the asteroid also spelled in
all caps?

-- hendrik