:: Re: [devuan-dev] Devuan Meet Sept. …
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Szerző: Jaromil
Dátum: 2017-09-14 15:47 -000
Címzett: devuan developers internal list
Tárgy: Re: [devuan-dev] Devuan Meet Sept. 13/14 2017
On Thu, 14 Sep 2017, Evilham wrote:

> Even establishing (and following!) a very silly, simple protocol
> saying something like "a person responsible for a resource will
> check in once a week and guide/solve any blockers" would be helpful
> in the short-middle term; notice it doesn't have to be the same
> person, it can easily be rotatory, that's the whole point of having
> multiple responsible people.

great, I'm all in for having multiple responsible people, as much as
for innovating Devuan's infrastructure to facilitate inclusion.

So here you have: my vote, my support in facilitation, my dedication
to keep this discussion focused on actual outcomes.

It is not me that you have to convince to unlock the potential you are

So about outcomes: I believe that we cannot go on with an ACL "by
convention" that is changed in a config file, we need something that
can transparently record all actions taken by anyone and execute them
only when they are signed.

I am also open to other solutions.

I am also mildly open to wait another 3 months for alternative

But in the meantime I am not open to read people whining about lack of
presence during an announced period of vacation or even worse calling
it a "governance crisis" (FUD!).

So: DIP1 is still pending comments, other developers need time to
elaborate an alternative, meanwhile we are all working on what is not
blocked for each of us and there is a lot on the plate.

As it has just happened, if you detail your blockers and call the
people needed to unblock, it will happen. It can also be asyncronous,
and the most reliable medium is email, no need to have a video call
every week for that.
