:: Re: [devuan-dev] Devuan Meet Sept. …
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Skribent: Jaromil
Dato: 2017-09-14 13:10 -000
Til: devuan developers internal list
Emne: Re: [devuan-dev] Devuan Meet Sept. 13/14 2017
On Wed, 13 Sep 2017, golinux@??? wrote:

> On 2017-09-12 21:01, Douglas Guptill wrote:
> >
> > Perhaps, now that the first release is out, the persons who have
> > accomplished so much in the past two years are taking a breather, or
> > suffering burnout.
> >
> > If that is the case, how can the new devuaners take some of the load?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Douglas.
> > _______________________________________________
> >
> Taking a breather is fine as is tending to family or paying work
> obligations. But if the absence blocks others from doing their work, it is a
> problem. Single points of failure are a buzzkill.

noone is blocking. there was a proposal to accelerate and open
(scorsh, the first Devuan's Improvement proposal aka DIP) and it has
been rejected and mildly opposed by yourself among the others. So now
that's where we are at, the same speed it was done Jessie if not
worst. Your help in taming down political processes and focusing on
facts will be highly appreciated.
