:: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Se…
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Συντάκτης: golinux
Προς: devuan-dev
Αντικείμενο: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Sept 13/14 2017
Devuan meet Sept 13/14 2017 @20:30 UTC

We'll see if there is anything worth discussing on Tuesday, if not we'll
skip Wednesday's meet. Also please indicate on the pad whether you would
be at the video meet or not. Since some devs are refusing to join us on
hangouts and jit.si worked pretty well last week, we'll meet at

The obligatory unfinished business reminder:

Current infrastructure:

Build system improvements:

Have at it kiddos . . .

Present: Centurion-Dan, Evilham, golinux, rrq, fsmithred, tremon,
onefang, blinkdog, Mert Gor, John Franklin

## parazyd
   * Can attend video this week.
   * Waiting on CenturionDan to post the dak doc
   * Waiting on KatolaZ to post pkgmaster plans/doc

   * Status of CenturionDan and nextime's CI work? Quite a while has
     passed guys.

        - golinux - This on 2017-06-07 17:00 meet notes from three months
        ago (names redacted to 'depersonalize):
          - Need to review the CI flow which is too much manual
             -> detail the manual steps needed and make a flow to pinpoint
         - Developers journey documentation from making a repository to
           operating a build
         - Make a strategy for the different sub-repositories and
           jenkins groups

## golinux
   * Haven't missed a Wednesday yet..
   * None of Evilham's improvements have made it to the live site because
     he has not yet been granted access to do so. Also there is confusing
     information that needs to be corrected.  This does not reflect well
     on Devuan's competency but we are powerless
     to make the corrections.  It's depressing.
      - YEA! Evilham now has permission to work on devuan-www
   * Fixed the table alignment issue globally and for good (Evilham)
   * Will post a list of past meeting notes urls from the list archive to
     the wiki.  Will be a useful reference resource.

## evilham
   * Still waiting on access / setup for the web parts
     * need either ssh (lim user) for the setup or that someone does it:
       - (root) create limited user
       - (root) make sure ruby and its build dependencies are installed
       - install middleman 3.4.1 for that limited user
       - create two directories "www" and "beta"
         in www: git clone master branch
         in beta: git clone beta.devuan.org branch
       - (root) setup nginx to serve devuan.org and beta.devuan.org
        accordingly over https
         * Maybe protect beta.devuan.org with pwd (not really necessary)
       - add cron job that re-creates website on branch changes
     * This can (should?) be later be replaced with _insert whatever
      here_ but it would solve a blocker *now*
   * Got master access to gdo/devuan-editors/devuan-www
     * Will migrate gdo/evilham/devuan-www there
     * Will create a deploy key to keep the mirror list up-to-date
       (sometimes mirrors are offline for a couple days)
   * Still have to clean up some code and commit it (re devuanmirror
   * Will implement a GL commit hook to get build on push working asap
     (Timeframe ca. 2 weeks)

## tremon
      Video status as usual
      - not sure what the question is -- but I simply don't have a
       webcam (tremon)
   * status of Ascii roadmap
     - is it still current?
     - many questions, few decisions
     - what priority / are all issues blockers?
       (looks to me like userspace hardening shouldn't need to delay a
      release, if we don't ship a hardened kernel by default)
     - what is the bare minimum for shipping a workable distribution?

       * (golinux) - I've been looking at old meeting notes and found 
    from 2017-06-07 17:00.  As with far too many items
         discussed at the meets there was no followup. I was going to go
    through all the old meeting notes to make a list of things that
    were marked for ACTION and unanswered questions.  But once I
    started, it was too disheartening. Here are a few relevant to
         tremon's questions:

           ## devuan ascii
             - a roadmap draft is here:
             - append to it. when we think a certain topic is ready for
             discussion, we can discuss it on the devuan-dev mailing
             NO ACTION
           - we also could start maintaining a TODO pad with what ppl
             are working on
                 NO ACTION

## blinkdog
* Will attend video to observe

## fsmithred
   * Working on cli refractainstaller to handle uefi. One script does

## gnu_srs
   * ascii: Still unresolved debootstrap bug to build util-linux to
    install openrc :(  (-100 - golinux)
   * Why are eudev packages still in experimental: In Debian packages get
      uploaded to sid, where they migrate to testing after a few days
      (unless RC bugs stops that)
   * No packages are built any longer: Why, even if the infrastructure is
      flaky, packages should still be built.
       - golinux - NO ACCESS to the build system?  IIUC builds have to be
    initiated by someone (who probably is 'away')
       - Regarding recent build attempts: devuan-keyring-*, tried at
    least twice. Fails on the binary target! (gnu_srs)
    * Q: Is it possible to see who is writing what on this pad?
    Is that better (golinux)
    ?? (gnu_srs)
    I identified my responses (golinux)
    * Evilham: Synced with git.devuan.org on Wednesday 20:20 UTC: Is it
     possible to add the date too?

## onefang
* Can attend video meeting for a change. +1 (golinux)

## Centurion Dan
  - have a little more time now
  - started working on releasebot again.. the testsuite is functionally
    complete as far as the mocks are concerned, now it just needs all the
    appropriate tests added.
  - working on getting access to www.devuan.org
    * Thank you! (golinux)