:: Re: [DNG] OT: (almost), but tangent…
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Autor: Antony Stone
Fecha: 2017-09-07 13:45 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] OT: (almost), but tangentially on-topic Re: Purism Librem and disabling Intel ME: it can be done [ Re: TALOS 2 - The Libre Owner Controlled POWER9 Workstation/Server ]
On Thursday 07 September 2017 at 17:34:48, Rowland Penny wrote:

> On Fri, 8 Sep 2017 01:23:29 +1000 Erik Christiansen wrote:
> >
> > Losing your temper in an infantile manner is not. And it won't.
> No I didn't lose my temper, I just shouted because you lot must be deaf.

Just because someone doesn't do what you say does not mean they did not hear
you. Shouting is (in my opinion) ill-mannered and unlikely to achieve your
objectives with the people you feel need shouting at.

> > > I don't care about your drivel, it has nothing directly to do with
> > > Devuan
> >
> > Then don't read this thread. By all means divert it to your spam
> > folder, if you have the competence.
> I do have the competence, but why should I have to, why should I not
> complain after 80 posts of drivel ?

It's your choice to be on this list, and it's your choice whether to continue
reading a thread you clearly think is irrelevant to you.

I also think this thread should move elsewhere, but having expressed my
opinion, if the thread continues, my next choice would simply be to ignore it.

> No sorry, but at 61 years of age, I feel that I am as mature as I am
> likely to get.

Oh, well in that case maybe you just need to get a bigger delete key.



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