:: Re: [DNG] ctwm
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Συντάκτης: Rick Moen
Ημερομηνία: 2017-08-29 22:57 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] ctwm
Quoting Steve Litt (slitt@???):

> On Tue, 29 Aug 2017 14:26:49 +0200
> Adam Borowski <kilobyte@???> wrote:

> > Only a few WMs can be still called "bloated": GNOME (needs a mid-end
> > GPU to even run, or slooow software emulation otherwise),
> There it is folks: The preceding is why we need a new word. Easy trap
> to fall into.

I hope you won't read this next bit as personally hostile, because it's
really not my intent: Are you truly not getting this, or are you
trolling? I seriously cannot tell.

Adam did _not_ claim (in error) that GNOME is a window manager. He
merely said that it's bloated -- which in fact it is, irrespective of
what WM with or without GNOME hinting hooks you slot into it.

o Current GNOME3 is bloated with the Mutter WM, the current default.

o Prior GNOME2 was bloated with the previous Metacity WM default, though
less so.

o The MATE revival of GNOME2 is about as bloated with the marco
default WM, and remains bloated if you swap in a different
GNOME2-supporting WM

o The Cinnamon mutation of GNOME3 is bloated with the default Muffin
WM, a fork of GNOME3's Mutter, and remains bloated if you swap
in a differrent WM.

o GNOME2 was likewise bloated with any of the following other window
managers that provide varying amounts of support for GNOME hinting:
Openbox, Compiz, Window Maker, Fluxbox, xmonad, awesome, fvwm2,
Enlightenment, Sawfish, IceWM...

...or any other...

...as was GNOME 1.x with Sawfish WM (formerly Sawmill) or with Enlightenment
or Window Maker plugged in, in place of Sawfish.

Because GNOME _is bloated_.

Which is what Adam said.

And even if Adam _did_ think in error that GNOME is a window manager
rather than a big marching band of desktop software that is built
around some usually unstated (or your choice of several) window manager,
that would not make the concepts window manager and DE
indistinguishable, for exactly the same reasons that the terms
'department store' and 'mall' remain distinguishable even if someone
says 'I'm going to Westfield Mall' when he/she means 'I'm going to
Sears', or vice-versa.

Irrespective of whether you're not tracking this distinction or are
trolling, Steve, I'd suggest it's past time you hang it up.