:: Re: [DNG] noatime by default
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Autor: Narcis Garcia
Fecha: 2017-08-28 11:00 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] noatime by default
El 28/08/17 a les 12:47, Arnt Gulbrandsen ha escrit:
> If you want to do it it can be done, though. You can intercept the mount
> system call using LD_PRELOAD and about 10 lines of C, or you can write
> an /etc/fstab line for /mnt that specifies noatime and your usual USB
> device (perhaps sdb1, YMMV). If you write the fstab line at least "sudo
> mount /mnt" will mount with noatime, and you can write something udevish
> that runs mount and does it the way you want it.

Perhaps there is some kernel parameter to change default behavior from boot?
I'm not looking a solution for a single installation but for hundreds of
my users.