:: Re: [DNG] noatime by default
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Autor: Narcis Garcia
Data: 2017-08-28 09:24 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] noatime by default
El 28/08/17 a les 10:48, Arnt Gulbrandsen ha escrit:
> Narcis Garcia writes:
>> Does anybody know some way to configure an already installed system to
>> mount points with noatime by default?
> Edit /etc/fstab.
>> I'm specially interested for USB pendrives, that are automatically
>> mounted in a desktop environment.
> USB drives generally use some sort of windowsy file system that doesn't
> support atime at all.
> Arnt

USB drives use filesystem as were formatted.
When they are formatted in ext4, support atime.

I was asking for a method to set noatime by default. Is udev/eudev
triggering program involved for USB cases? And when user clics over a
not mounted device through file manager?