:: Re: [DNG] devuan ascii - how much o…
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Auteur: Dave Turner
Date: 2017-08-26 05:51 -000
À: dng
Anciens-sujets: Re: [DNG] devuan ascii - how much of systemd is still in there?
Sujet: Re: [DNG] devuan ascii - how much of systemd is still in there? UPDATE
On 19/08/17 16:46, Dave Turner wrote:
> On 18/08/17 18:45, Steve Litt wrote:
>> On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 16:36:12 +0100
>> Dave Turner <dave_t_turner@???> wrote:
>>> On 18/08/17 00:22, Joel Roth wrote:
>>>> deleted /lib/udev and all the sub-directories
>>> With eudev I have a working keyboard so today I went in and removed
>>> /etc/systemd/* . Re-booted and I still have a working keyboard but no
>>> network connection!
>> Hi Dave,
>> I think you have /etc/init.d/networking or something like that. This
>> shellscript assumes a certain name for your network interface. Your
>> move to eudev might have changed that name.
>> Perform the following command to learn interface names:
>> ip link
>> Strongarm your network name(s) into /etc/init.d/networking as needed.
>> If you really, really can't get /etc/init.d/networking to do the job,
>> here's a shellscript to bring up a wired interface to a defined IP:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> ip link set dev enp3s0 down
>> ip addr add dev enp3s0
>> ip addr add dev enp3s0
>> ip link set dev enp3s0 up
>> ip route add default via
>> Assuming your interface is named enp3s0 (and rename it if not), the
>> preceding script will work on any distro.
>> Somewhere in the past I posted, on this list, a shellscript to deduce
>> the name of the wired interface, and jam it into an environment
>> variable so it could be passed to scripts like the preceding.
>> If you want to boot up wifi, you need your boot to early run, *with
>> respawn*, wpa_supplicant, as aa daemon. This means for sysvinit put it
>> in /etc/inittab, not in /etc/init.d/S0whateverwpa_supplicant.
>> If, like me, you're willing to be disloyal to your distro, you can
>> start up your network trivially.
>> SteveT
>> Steve Litt
>> July 2017 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business
>> http://www.troubleshooters.com/startbiz
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> I'll have a go at your and Svante's suggestions probably on Sunday
> evening. Saturday and Sunday I will be putting my Harley back together
> and going for a ride.
> DaveT
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I have a working devuan ascii with no systemd no dbus no udev and no
pulseaudio on my old iMac. (no X11 either, but we'll come to that)

I installed eudev and then I deleted /etc/init.d/udev and rebooted.

Deleted /etc/systemd/         and rebooted, everything still works.

Deleted /lib/systemd/         and rebooted, everything still works.
Deleted /var/lib/systemd/     and rebooted, everything still works.
Deleted /usr/lib/systemd/     and rebooted, everything still works.

udev is gone and is replaced by eudev. I left the udev files in place in
/etc /lib because no eudev files had appeared so I think eudev makes use
of the udev files. I felt disinclined to break the system again by
deleting them! But if anyone can confirm or deny that would be nice.

For sound I installed flac, alsa-utils, and the ncurses media player
moc. alsa-utils includes alsa-mixer and that let me un-mute the sound.
And it works! I think the docs on alsa and sound on linux have become
divorced from reality over  the years, I know how to read and follow
instructions, I should have been able to do this years ago. I had to do
it by trial and error!

To confirm: the 'sound' section in aptitude shows only alsa-utils and
moc; flac is in the 'libs' section as libflac8.

I have had a good look at what xserver-xorg-core pulls in. libsystemd0
gets pulled in. Oh well, I'll just have to put up with it won't I!

I can cope with twm and I really like ctwm so I was shocked when I
realised that the version of ctwm in debian is 10 years old! Version
4.0.1 was released by the ctwm people in June this year. I had to
download the code and compile it. I used 'checkinstall' to create the
package and it works too! Obviously that was a few weeks and a couple of
rebuilds ago.
